"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm back with busy-ing time


What??? Banyak hot newsss... Oh no! Lama kut aku tak buka belog. Ok fine, aku tak berapa nak kisah. I orang busy laa sekarang youuuu. Haha. You know, I've just registered to my mahallah ermm I think around 3 weeks ago. Awal ke?? Ok fine! Busy laa korang semua... Seriously. Terasa macam sudah jadi orang yang sudah berkerjaya tinggi-tinggi. Ini pun terpaksa mencuri masa. Actually sekarang kena cari bahan untuk presentation pengajian Islam aku esok hari. Oh tidak, tidak, TIDAK!!!

What??? Yes, I like do something on the last minutes. Hehe.
Because its more concentrate and peaceful. Kut laaa. Haha.

Okey babe! This weekend I have MUET test. Wish me luck!
Jadi cikgu baru lagi ke?? Haha. Out of my mind~

Ok, bye!

Tadi jadi camera-girl untuk video kawan. But I'm just using the 'biasa-biasa' camera. 
Oh no!! The photossss are so nice babe!! 
 Its become more awesome if I have it in reality!!! ;DDD


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