"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Official in IIUM | 1st Edition

Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Huuuyooo bagi salam pun panjang seyh. Salam kan sunat dan menjawab salam itu wajib. Terbaik ! Sudah officially student UIA laa kata kan. Haha. Sudah berminggu tidak menghapdate ni aku jadi rindu pula kat belog yang satu-satu tempat aku tulis macam-macam pe'el ( in arabic fe'el = tabiat ) Yaaaahhh, itu dia in arabic word.  Hehe.

For your information, I'd already enter IIUM, Gombak. Yes ! As what I said early, now I am a degree student. So far so good la. What?? degree student. Alaaa biasalah tu, semua orang dapat merasai kalau ada cita-cita tinggi macam saya. No, I mean if you olls have a dream to be a undergraduates just try hard from now laa. Especially, adik-adik yang SPM this year. Study hard okey !

Okey,okey. Kesian pulak aku tengok kawan aku yang setia menunggu aku menaip entry ni. So, without distinguish you olls, I would like to present you the photossss in Gombak. Waaaahhh ! Kau tahu, UIA ni menghadap theme park yang besar kat Malaysia ni. Bangga I tau ! Tapi sayang casino yang haram kejadah apa ntah buat kat sini. Tak patut..tak patut.. TAK PATUT!

So, have fun laaaa you olls. Tak kisah la korang universiti mana sekali pun. Be proud of it ! ;)))) As what I have now. I really happy and praise to Allah.

We are student of IIUM Gombak now !!! 

Lawa kan aku lukis ! Hehe.

Tatkala bosan dengar talk.

 P/S : 2nd edition will be continue soon.

Thanks yaaa ! Kamsahamnida. Haha. Korea laaa pulak aiihh.

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keyla said...

tolong lah bgtau spe photographer sbb gmbr tu cntik kahkah

Sue . said...

alahh, nak tengok baju taaruf >,<

khainisa said...

hahaha next entry aku mention name ko!!!

khainisa said...

@cappuccino woohhooo..baju ta'aruf tak cantik! hahaha. nanti ye!

Ansue said...


khainisa said...

@Ansue itu perkare biase apabile di belog aku. hahahhaa.
