"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

Sunday, May 30, 2010

for first time...

In The Name Of Allah.The Most Gracious ever Merciful
first and foremost,i on9 in cfs iium nilai...
hoho...nothing to do kut!!...
terase amat buhsan...
asyik tdo jerk...
ye laa for this moment..
still no schedule n time table for study...
so,hang out ramei2 kita g cc...
ok laa....rase dh lame sgt kt cc...
duet byk gne kut...

p/s: dh jdk student u kne jimat berbelanje..lain arr sekolah dulu2...hehehe LIKE it? Thanks for reading this entry.

0 100 gives support!!!:
