"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

Monday, May 10, 2010


In The Name of Allah,The Most Gracious ever Merciful

Today is mother's day...today was fairytale
so,anybody who is mom or mom-to-be.. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ok!!
ermm...best ke jdk mak? huhu...tetibe terlintas nk tye cm tue...bg mak2 kompem kate besh...coz dpt anak2 yg cumel...cm ak laa hahaha
ceee jdk anak...ade ke HARI ANAK...x de kan? stakat besday jerk....paper pon ak bersyukor jdk anak mak ak...huhu...

Dedicated for my mom...
Pn. Hadijah Bt Uda Mat Dris...(itu name mak saye...)
"mak,thanks very much b'coz gives birth to me + teach + takecare about myself from baby,child,until who i am now... your sacrifice i'll not forget it. Yup! SURELY...
may Allah bless you as long as you alive in this earth and AKHIRAT soon... have good fortune and stay in healthy pink as well...amin...
hopesfully mak!!
mak,one things i want say...please doa for my success and education okay!
loves you mak!"
~from u're daughter's heart...Khairun Nisa' Ahmad (itu name saye...)

so,for all my friends...show u're loves for u're mom not anybody else...ok!!
appreciate her b'coz...without her who is name as Mak or Ibu or Mama neither Umi...or whatever you call... maybe,you all can't get life likes rite now...so,think about it and makes u're best choices...

some Tazkirah for us...

(dari Abu Hurairah radhiyaallahu 'anhu, datang seseorang menemui Rasulullah s.a.w dan dia bertanya,"wahai Rasulullah,siapakah orang yang paling layak untuk aku bergaul dengan baik kepadanya?" Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w pun menjawab, IBUMU... "kemudian siapa?" IBUMU..."kemudian setelahnya siapa?" IBUMU untuk kali berikutnya orang itu pun bertanya lagi,"Lalu siapa?" "AYAHMU." Jawab Baginda s.a.w. )


p/s: "ampunkan anakmu ini atas kesalahan dan kesilapan yg telah anakmu lakukan..."
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